We hope your child(ren) will enjoy the experience of being a Club member including the training, competitions and social interaction.
Who runs the Club? A full list of Club officers can be found on the noticeboard and website (committee members & coaches).
We are a swim21 Club and follow the guidance in Wavepower for child safeguarding, the ASA Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct. Whilst we hope your child will be happy and content at the Club, sometimes questions, concerns or issues may arise.
If you have a question regarding coaching you should in the first instance ask to meet your child’s coach. Do so at a time convenient to you both and please do not go on poolside and interrupt training sessions. The coaches will be happy to arrange a time before a session to discuss any training issues.
If you have a question or concern regarding child welfare, please speak to or email the Club Welfare Officer ([email protected]). Alternatively there is a dedicated helpline for anyone wishing to raise a safeguarding or welfare concern directly to the ASA, called Swimline – telephone number 0808 100 4001. Details can also be found on the Club noticeboard.
Our Club is committed to providing good child safeguarding practice for all our young members and we have adopted the ASA Safeguarding Policy – Wavepower, a copy of which is held by our Welfare Officer or can be viewed and downloaded from www.swimming.org. Section 6 gives information and guidance to parents. Our Club is one where we accept that good safeguarding and fair play is paramount for all our young members.
Help us to keep your children safe. If at any time you are unable to stay during training, please ensure that you (or another designated adult) arrive before the end of the training session to take responsibility for your child(ren). Please come into the pool area and wait in the spectator gallery at Portland Leisure Centre or in the seating area/corridor at the University Pool, so we know swimmers have been safely collected.
We recognize that, on occasion, parents may be unavoidably delayed, therefore please advise your child(ren) to stay with a trusted adult in the Club until you arrive. If not possible, they should notify a member of the Centre staff or Reception. They should not go outside the building.
Nottingham Portland Swimming Club is always looking for parental help. You may offer to help or a member of the committee may approach you to see if you are able to assist. We are a volunteer-run Club and appreciate all the help parents can give us, however small.
Please look at the Welcome Pack to learn more about the Club, squad structures, galas, etc. and read through other items on the Parents’ Information menu for details about different types of competition, fee structures and ways you might be able to help.
We hope you and your child/children enjoy being a member of the Nottingham Portland Swimming Club.