We are organising a training a session in the 50m pool at Loughborough University on Sunday 7th October.
Our original idea was to give members likely to swim at the Snow Frills Gala (1st / 2ndDecember at Sheffield) the opportunity to see/train in a long course pool before competing. However, we have had quite a few interested members already, so we have decided to open it up to those that aren’t regular Open Meet swimmers but may wish to have a go in a long course pool – even if they are not doing Snow Frills.
The date is Sunday 7th October 3 – 4pm and it costs £4 per member. Our Head Coach, Grant, will be running the session.
If you would like to go, could you please email Andy Mulligan on [email protected] and we would also ask that you could pay him as soon as possible.
Depending upon demand, we may run a similar session in November.