Falcon Sprint Open Meet – 2 November 2014


FalconSprint2014What a tiring day! But it was worth it. Portland swimmers put in some great performances at the Falcon Sprint, with ever-improving technique and gutsy, last length fighting spirit. Everyone went home with a PB and/or trophy, their swims placed the Club 6th in the Top Club list and Jaime came 8th out of well over 100 girls in the Top Girl list. Absolutely fantastic!

Apart from the 100m IM, the rest of the events were 50m so the turnaround was quite quick. This meant many swimmers completed one race, then had to queue up for their next one straightaway. This was especially the case for those swimmers who made more than one Final.

Towards the very end of the day, when we were waiting for the lists of finalists, swimmers began to finish off leftovers to summon up a little more energy, including food they didn’t like – Dahlia and her cucumber chunks! Sweets were to hand all day, on sale in the hall. Chloe and Tilly treated themselves to slush puppies – coke and strawberry flavour!?!

It was all fairly exhausting – the picture of the Portland base below sums up how worn out everyone felt. But it was worth it – swimmers were amazing, Dom was ever supportive – his `scare ’em’ tactics and tips worked and the team did themselves proud.

Falcon Sprint2014

We cleared up afterwards – honest!


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