Falcon Sprint – 6 September 2015


Falcon logoThe Meet Programme’s welcome message outlined the benefits of swimming as a sport, accentuating `This comes at the price of hard work and sacrifice, so well done, keep it up and feel proud for every swimmer competing here today.’

Well, how proud we are! Portland swimmers proved they must have been working REALLY hard in training!

Here’s how they did at the Falcon Open Sprint Meet at Hucknall Leisure Centre …

Session 1:

Chelsea demonstrated that the early bird does indeed catch the worm, swimming a 2 second PB in the first heat of the first event of the day, the 100m Individual Medley. She obviously inspired the rest of the Portland flock: PBs were obtained by Fran, Gaby, Alice (8s), Beth (a massive 18 seconds!), Isabella (a huge 17s!) and Briony (6s).

Next event, the first for the boys, was 50m backstroke. Raj spread his wings for a 5 second PB! Stanley finished 5th in his age group and so qualified for the Final, scheduled for the end of the morning.

Flying high in 50m butterfly was Beth with a great New Time and PBs from Dominique, Beatrice (4s) and Gaby. By finishing in the top 6 of their age group, Dominique – 6th in the heats, Beatrice – 2nd, Gaby – 4th and Esther – 4th, all qualified for the 50m fly Finals.

Feathers ruffled, Raj set about gaining another faster-than-ever time in 50m breaststroke to finish 3rd in age group and qualify for the Final. Edward was just hundredths off a PB.

Continuing the avian theme, in the 50m freestyle the girls were as swift … well, as swifts … with PBs by Isabella (8s!), Briony (2s), Fran, Beatrice (2s) and Gaby. Beatrice qualified 3rd for the Final.

Lunch was preceded by exciting Finals. Our trophy collecting finalists were:

Stanley finished 3rd in the 50m backstroke Final, setting a PB in the process.

In their respective age group 50m fly Finals, Dominique bettered the PB she swam in the heats by another second to take 5th place, Beatrice collected 3rd place trophy, Gaby 5th and Esther 5th place.

Raj improved upon his PB, newly set in the heats, by over a second to take 4th place in the Final of 50m breaststroke.

Beatrice rounded off the morning’s proceedings with 6th place finish in 50m freestyle Final.

PHEW! Lunchtime, a break, a spur for a speedy Session 2 …

Hot on the heels of his a.m. triumphs, Raj was first to swim in the afternoon, PB’ing in the 100m IM.

Stanley’s lunch boosted him to achieve 3rd in age group for the IM, another trophy, and a 5 second PB! What did you eat for lunch Stan?!

In 50m backstroke, Fran took nearly 3 seconds off her best time; Beth set a good New Time, Alice a 2s PB; PBs too for Gaby and Beatrice.

Stanley qualified for another Final, 4th in age group for 50m butterfly, getting a PB on the way.

50m breaststroke PBs were attained by Alice, Gaby (6s!), Fran and Briony; Bethan knocked over 2 seconds off hers to finish 3rd in the heats and make it to the Final. Big sis’ Esther qualified 4th in her age category.

Then, last of the events before the Finals, the superfast 50m freestyle for boys. Raj took almost 4 seconds off his former fastest time, fantastic, and, what do you know, Stanley was 3rd in age group to reach yet another Final. Fabulous.

Session 2 Finals:

  • 4th place for Stanley in 50m butterfly Final.
  • In the breaststroke Finals: 5th place for Bethan and 4th for Esther.
  • 5th for Stanley in the 50m freestyle Final.

Congratulations to the following swimmers for achieving times enabling them to enter the 2016 County Championships:

  • Gaby – 100m IM, 50m butterfly, 50m freestyle, 50 backstroke
  • Beatrice – 50m butterfly, 50m freestyle, 50m backstroke
  • Esther – 50m butterfly, 50m freestyle, 50m breaststroke
  • Dahlia – 50m butterfly
  • Rebecca – 50m freestyle, 50m backstroke

Additional special mentions:

  • Stanley for PB’ing in 3 events and winning trophies in Finals for all 4 of his events.
  • Gaby for PB’ing in all 5 of the Meet’s events, finalist in one.
  • Raj, also PB’ing in all 5 events and competing in 2 Finals.

Well done to every swimmer – it was wonderful to watch you all.

Thank you to Guy, Dave and Isabel for your support of the team.


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