Club Champs 2015


Racing PortlandThe swimming Club Champs are always an exciting date on the Portland Club calendar and this year was no exception!

The Champs were really well attended and it was great to see so many new swimmers (and new helpers!) participating. The crowd were initially quiet – a little nudge to ‘stop being so British’ helped us all along!

And there was plenty to shout about – 55 New Times, 121 PBs and Club Records were broken 18 times! Fabulous.

Generally across the night there was great improvement across all swimmers – with good healthy competition backed by lots of cheering and clapping for team mates. Overall it looks like many swimmers either hit or smashed through their previous times – more to follow at the party night in November as to overall results.

In terms of technique, backstroke was beautifully synchronised in places with good strong turns, and graceful dives with smooth entry. There were lots of high elbows in the freestyle and we are sure all parents thoroughly enjoyed seeing how much the swimmers are progressing.

Other key points to note were swimming hat rescue as part of the individual medley, the return of the Dom – it was great to have Dom back for the night – and of course the coaches race. Excitement and competition were high at the end of the night with Dom’s Dolphins coming in first place!

Nice work teams 🙂

Here’s looking to the Awards & Party Night on the 27th November – details coming soon.

Please remember to vote for the swimmers’ swimmer of the year in the meantime! Thank you


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