Marks & Spencer Bag Pack


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A huge WELL DONE to all our ‘willing’ volunteers, who were once again great ambassadors for our Club, bag-packing at Marks & Spencer on Saturday 21st September.

 Thank you

Charlotte, Erin, Edward, William, Lucy, Stanley, Mikey, Hannah, Mia, Emma, Rebecca, Connor, Olivia, Michael and Annabelle

for ‘serving with a smile’ – photos never lie!

OliviaHannah  ConnorMichael

We not only raised £345.29(!!!!) but also received lots of interest and support for what we are trying to achieve from both the very generous shoppers and Marks and Spencer’s staff, so big thanks to them too. This amount goes a very long way towards funding an ASA Level 1 course through the Institute of Swimming to provide the Club with a much-needed additional coach.

Finally, thank you adults (Ginny, Sue, Mike, Andy and Tracy) for moral support, but it really was the swimmers who did themselves proud – what a great bunch you are.



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